

Some Republicans still looking for a way to "Dump Trump"

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Some Republicans are still trying to find a way to "Dump Trump" at the GOP convention, even though others say it's a long shot.

Former Ted Cruz supporter, Eric O'Keefe is one of those Republicans who does not want Donald Trump to be the GOP presidential nominee. The Wisconsin political activist is part of an effort to free delegates at the Republican National Convention to vote their conscience.
"It's our view the delegates are not bound, even though many state laws say they are in state parties," said O'Keefe. "Donald Trump does not match the Republican brand. He is his own brand, he's a populist."
O'Keefe and others want to unbound delegates from their obligation to vote for Trump -- a long uphill process that some argue is not legally possible.
"Any dispute is to be resolved by the delegates," O'Keefe said.
But Trump says it won't and can't happen.
"First of all, it's not legal, can't do it," Trump said. "Second of all, the Republican National Committee is with me 100 percent."
If not Trump, then who?
So far, no one has come forward as an alternative candidate. O'Keefe says it's up to the delegates.
"They'll decide whether the new Republican party is Donald Trump or to stick with the traditional brand by having a different slate," said O'Keefe.
Ted Cruz won a majority of Wisconsin's delegates. Tuesday, Gov. Scott Walker said he will follow Wisconsin's Republican Party rules and will vote for Cruz at the convention. But he suggested delegates should be allowed to vote their conscience.
Sean Spicer, the RNC chief strategist, tweeted the following short statement last week:
"Donald Trump bested 16 highly qualified candidates and received more primary votes than any candidate in Republican Party history. All of the discussion about the RNC Rules Committee acting to undermine the presumptive nominee is silly. There is no organized effort, strategy or leader of this so-called movement. It is nothing more than a media creation and a series of tweets."
You can read more about O'Keefe's efforts here.