

Governor Scott Walker says Trump hinted at offering him a Cabinet position

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Governor Scott Walker could be in the mix for a Cabinet position in a Trump administration, but for now, it looks like he's not interested. 

Walker said Trump hinted at offering him a Cabinet position, but he told WTMJ's Charlie Sykes Wednesday that he can best serve the administration as head of the Republican Governor's Association.

“I told Donald, I told my friend Mike Pence, I can best serve a Republican administration by being the head of that Governor’s Association and helping ensure that the governors, the House, the Senate, and the President work together to do the things that people elect us to do,” Walker said. 

Walker will take over as chair next week. 

Walker also said he's proud of Wisconsin after Republicans added seats in the state legislature Tuesday.

He said he's optimistic that President-elect Donald Trump will be able to work with House Speaker Paul Ryan, despite their differences.

“I firmly believe that he wants to work, he wants to get things done, he wants to be able to say we won,” says Walker. “And the best way to do that is to allow Paul to help lead the way in the House. And I think in the Senate, people like Ron Johnson for sure want to help Paul in that regard.”

For Walker's full conversation on Midday with Charlie Sykes, click in the Soundcloud player above.