

Clinton is winner in 4 of 5 state primaries

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Hillary Clinton got off to a hot start on Northeast Super Tuesday, picking up projected wins in the Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Connecticut primaries.

Meanwhile, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders took a victory in Rhode Island, preventing Clinton from achieving a clean sweep.

Following his losses in the four states, Sanders -- who's garnered unimaginable support over the past year -- said in a speech, "When we began this campaign just about a year ago, we started with no political organization, no money, and we had no name recognition outside of Vermont."

Sanders ended Tuesday night with 1,306 delegates, factoring in superdelegates.

But Clinton's victories bring her even closer to the 2,383 needed for the nomination. She ended Tuesday night with at least 90 percent of delegates needed to win Democratic nomination, when superdelegates are included.

“I am aware that too many people feel at the mercy of forces too big for anyone to control," Clinton told supporters at a Philadelphia rally. "And they just worry that those of us in politics, put our interests ahead of national interests."

She added, "Our campaign is about restoring people’s confidence in our ability to solve problems together, by delivering results that help people follow their own dreams.”
Quoting her husband, former President Bill Clinton, the Democratic front-runner continued, "As a great Democratic president once said, 'There is nothing about America that can’t be cured by what’s right with America.'"
With every passing primary, Clinton seems to lock her nomination even more into place. She confidently noted, "We will unify our party to win this election and build an America where we can all rise together."