NewsMilwaukee County


Residents, business owners voice concerns after violence at Cinco de Mayo celebrations

A Milwaukee police officer is hurt and three people are in custody following a shooting on the city's south side.
Elaine thumbnail 5-6-24
Posted at 6:05 PM, May 06, 2024
and last updated 2024-05-06 19:38:49-04

MILWAUKEE, Wisc. — A Milwaukee police officer is hurt and three people are in custody following a shooting on the city’s south side.

While the officer is expected to be okay, concerns over what happened continue to loom over the tight-knit community.

“We try to make people aware and encourage them to speak up if they see something strange. Call the police, keep calling, no matter what,” said Alejandro Rivera, Owner, Rivera’s Western Wear.

Alejandro Rivera owns Rivera’s Western Wear, a clothing business on Cesar Chavez for more than 25 years.

During that time, he says he has seen the area change significantly, especially in the last five years.

“Some community members will rev their engines, burning their tires and young people will start drinking in the street. That, in turn, encourages other groups of people to come into the neighborhood,” said Rivera.

Rivera says the shooting on Sunday night is not a reflection of the people who live here, but rather people who come into the neighborhood to cause trouble.

“All of this didn’t happen by us; it wasn’t someone from the Hispanic community. They weren’t part of the celebration, they came and unfortunately, committed these crimes,” said Rivera.

Alejandro Rivera
Alejandro Rivera, Owner, Rivera’s Western Wear. He has lived and worked in the neighborhood for more than 25 years. He says the issues, like last night’s shooting, aren’t indicative of the true heart and soul of the community. He says the problems stem from people who come into their neighborhood to cause trouble, not from those who already call it home.

Moises Ruiz Guzman lives nearby and says he loves his community.

He says he is frustrated with how situations like these can scare people into thinking the area is not safe.

“It shouldn’t because it’s a calm area. You’ll be here all day, walking around and everyone is friendly and greeting each other,” said Ruiz Guzman.

Both Alejandro and Moises say they want to see a more regular police presence in the neighborhood.

“If it’s a normal day, I want to see them out and about, doing their rounds because there are times where hours will go by and you won’t see a single patrol car,” said Ruiz Guzman.

Moises Ruiz Guzman
Moises Ruiz Guzman, lives in the community

They hope that will discourage people from acting out and let everyone enjoy the heart and soul of their community.

“The Southside is a safe place, and 16th Street, Mitchell, Lincoln is full of Hispanic-run places where everyone can go peacefully. This was an isolated incident where the community has nothing to do with it,” said Rivera.

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