MILWAUKEE — Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction released its annual district and school report cards for schools across the state on Tuesday.
Schools and districts are assigned one of five ratings, ranging from "Fails to Meet Expectations" to "Significantly Exceeds Expectations." Ratings are based on several factors, including growth, achievement, and the number of students on track to graduate.
The state’s largest school district received a "Meets Expectations" rating, despite more than half of its schools falling below the "Meets Expectations" threshold (78 of 144).
Watch: MPS parents speak on DPI report cards that show MPS meets expectations
One of those schools was Oliver Wendell Holmes Elementary in Milwaukee’s Harambee neighborhood. In their report card for the 2022-23 school year, the school received the lowest grade. On Tuesday, it was bumped up to "Meets Few Expectations."
“It’s really good that they progressed with the report cards and everything,” Holmes parent Nakerie Underwood told TMJ4. “I think it’s always good to improve.”

Underwood attended MPS schools growing up and now sends her two children to Holmes. She says she sees positive outcomes for both her children at the school.
Charles, another parent who didn’t want to give his last name, shared the same sentiment.
He praises the programs offered at the school.
“The after-school programs have the same consistency, even with special needs, because my kid has special needs, and they do very well with that program,” Charles told TMJ4.

The growth is a welcome sign for a school that was on the list of potential closures and mergers MPS released in October.
“When I heard about it, it was a shocker,” Underwood said.
Those feelings were shared by Charles. He attended school at Holmes decades ago and now sends his child there.
“This school is a pillar in the community,” Charles said. “It’s been a pillar in this community for generations.”
Charles hopes the growth at Holmes continues and keeps the school open in the future.
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