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Go check out these events this weekend - They'll be 'lit'

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MILWAUKEE — To all the Christmas before Thanksgiving haters, sorry. To the Christmas fanatics, listen up! Check out these fun, and bright, events happening around Milwaukee this weekend.

As always, we are sharing a list of fun events happening around the area this weekend. However, this time, most of these events are Christmas themed! Welcome to the holiday season, folks.

  • Holiday Lights Festival: See, didn't we say this weekend would be lit? Milwaukee's downtown lights festival kicks off this week and is set to last for the next six weeks. Grab your family or a group of friends and go checkout the colorful lights and animated displays at Cathedral Sqaure Park, Pere Marquette Park, and Zeidler Union Square. It is sure to be a "lit" time! (Have we overused the lit pun yet?)
  • Christmas at the Pabst Mansion: Remember that scene in Elf where Buddy decks out the store with Christmas decorations? Well, that's what the Pabst Mansion is going to look like this weekend. The mansion will be decorated wall-to-wall for the holidays, now through Jan. 5. Decorations change yearly so even if you've gone in the past, you can still go again and experience something new! Another perk, anyone age 15 or younger gets in for free!
  • Disney's Newsies at Skylight Music Theatre: Feel like the King of New York and go checkout the musical Newsies this weekend. The show, which is based on the true story of newsboys who strike against unfair conditions and wages, runs now through Dec. 22.
  • Colors and Chords at Turner Ball Room: Music and art, what more can you ask for? On Friday, head to the Turner Ball Room and checkout Colors and Chords, an event that merges musical craftsmanship with artist's interpretation of the music. All proceeds from this event benefit Islands of Brilliance.
  • Cream City Creatives Holiday Market: Listen, I know Thanksgiving hasn't happened yet but it's never too early to start your Christmas shopping! With over 50 makers, you should able to find something for everyone! Plus, there will be food< Pedro's Empanadas specifically, and drinks!

Well, there ya have it, folks! Now you have no excuse to stay at home and indoors this weekend. It's going to be a beautiful weekend, so get out there and go on an adventure. Who knows what's in store! Seriously, there might be a lot of cool stuff in stores before Black Friday so go check out that Cream City Creatives Holiday Festival.