

Wisconsin Assembly to vote on approving marijuana extract

Wisconsin Assembly to vote on approving marijuana extract
and last updated

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- The Wisconsin Legislature is set to pass a bill long sought by parents of children who suffer from seizures.

The state Assembly was slated to pass a measure Tuesday that would legalize possession of CBD oil, a marijuana extract used to treat seizures.

The Legislature passed a similar bill in 2014, but it didn't go far enough to make the oil accessible. That led to renewed lobbying by parents still unable to legally obtain the treatment for their children, many of whom suffer from epilepsy.

The oil is a marijuana extract but it does not produce a high.

The Senate overwhelmingly approved the bill on a 31-1 vote. Once the Assembly passes it as expected it will head to Gov. Scott Walker for his signature. Walker says he supports it.

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