
West Bend student battling cancer graduates

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WEST BEND -- Amber Pflueghoeft, a senior at West Bend West High School, managed to graduate and get through school while fighting for her life.

"It was kind of one of my really big goals in life just to make it here," Pflueghoeft said. "Being a graduate I guess now, it's kind of something I never really expected."

Pflueghoeft never thought she would see the day because for the past 8 years she's been fighting bone cancer.

"I was actually told that I probably wouldn't live past freshmen year," she said.

But through it all she's stayed determined. After missing a lot of class Amber worked with her tutor Mike for countless hours taking advantage of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin's School Program which brings educational needs to patients’ bedsides.

"He's just amazing, he would read for me if I was too tired to read or write for me when I was too sore or in too much pain," Pflueghoeft said. "It was definitely stressful but he definitely helped ease a lot of the stress."

But in the end it was all worth it.

"Sometimes the impossible is possible, if you try hard enough and believe in yourself and have the support and don't give up," she said.

Up Next Amber says she's going to take it light over the next year to get her strength up. She then wants to go to school for medical research to one day become an epidemiologist.