MILWAUKEE -- Love is in the air for everyone, not just humans. As nesting season approaches, you can watch everything live.
We Energies' Falcon Cams are back, allowing you to watch live footage of nesting throughout Wisconsin.
There are five cameras located at five We Energies and Wisconsin Public Service facilities:
- Valley Power Plant in Milwaukee
- Port Washington Generating Station
- Oak Creek Power Plant
- Weston Power Plant in Rothschild
- WPS Building in Green Bay
According to the release, the live video has already picked up a lot of activity. The first eggs should be laid next month. To get updates, follow the We Energies Facebook page.
Last spring, 17 falcon chicks were produced, named and banded at We Energies power plants. Since the company’s first successful nest box in 1997, 273 peregrine falcons have hatched at We Energies facilities.