

UW chancellor wants to spend $800,000 donation


MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- University of Wisconsin-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank wants permission to spend an $800,000 donation as she sees fit to help alleviate the school's budget crunch. Eleanor Casebier gave the school $800,000 in honor of her sister. She left no directions on spending it, triggering a regent policy that only income generated from the gift can be spent.

Blank has asked the regents for permission to spend the principal as her office sees fit. Blank wrote in a letter to regents last month that the money will help the school face today's "financially challenging times." The Republican-crafted state budget slashed $250 million from the UW System. UW-Madison share of the cut during the last fiscal year was $53 million.

The regents' finance committee was set to consider Blank's request Thursday.