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Stranger helps Twin Lakes woman recover family treasure of late husband


TWIN LAKES, Wis. — Through the help of a stranger and social media, a Twin Lake woman was able to reunite with her cornhole boards that were handcrafted by her late husband.

Kim Beverly and her husband Frank loved spending time together crafting house projects.

"My husband always liked to build things. He's built the fence, the gardens, I just have so many things that he's built," said Kim.

So last August when the couple realized their cornhole boards that Frank had made were beginning to age, they decided to put them up for sale.

"He was like we can just get rid of them and I will build you a new one, so we sold them in the garage sale and that was it. I thought okay, fine, summer is almost over we will go ahead and build new ones next year, maybe him and I will do it together," said Kim.

However, the couple would never get to build those cornhole boards together. Shortly after, Frank contracted Covid-19 and passed away two weeks later.

"It had been six months since his passing and it was maybe a week ago where I then realized, oh my gosh I don't have my boards."

Kim shared that the boards were more than just things, they were beautiful reminders of memories.

Her daughter encouraged her to put it out on social media to see if anyone might have purchased the boards at the garage sale and would be willing to resell them back. After several posts and hundreds reaching out, she received a message.

"When that message came through I kinda rolled my eyes like oh yeah, another one that thinks they have the boards, and when I asked him to send me a picture I saw the signature. I crumbled, I fell to the floor, and I was sobbing. I couldn't believe that we had the boards back."

An individual that wanted to remain anonymous returned their family treasure, free of cost.

"It's nice to know that there are so many people that have goodness in their hearts."

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