SHEBOYGAN - It's a Saturday of shovels hitting the ground in Sheboygan as homeowners clear the snow covering their sidewalks after several days of mild, spring-like weather.
“It’s been an easy winter, this is what we’re supposed to have," Jim Hess said.
Hess may be correct with his assertion of what a typical Wisconsin winter looks like, but that doesn't mean winter's return is welcomed.
Hess said just a few days ago he was riding around on his bike near the lake. Now, that same bike is perched on a porch covered in snow.
“I’ve lived in Sheboygan all my life and I’ve had winters far worse than this," Hess said.
"It’s not a shock," he continued.
Although the return of snow after nearly two months of its absence may not be a shock to Hess, his neighbor, Nicole Lanius, said she can't say the same.
“I told myself not to anticipate that winter was actually over," Lanius said.
"But its surprising how shocked I was when it came back," she continued.
Lanius said she rather sunbathe than shovel, and she's looking forward to a snowless Sheboygan spring.
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