
Seat belt usage declines with each generation, new survey shows


Seat belts saved the lives of approximately 15,000 passengers 5 years old and older in 2016, according to recent survey data.

Despite this fact, the data also shows that seat belt usage seems to decline with each generation.

Erie Insurance conducted a survey of more than 2,000 U.S. residents across four generations including Gen Z (14- to 17-year-olds), Millennials (18-34), Gen X (35-50) and Baby Boomers (51-69). 

The data showed that 94 percent of Baby Boomers wear a seat belt at all times, while 87 percent of Gen X and 81 percent of Millennials do. Gen Z had the lowest seat belt usage, with only 77 percent.

Cops will be cracking down on seat belt use during National Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization from May 21- June 3.