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Richfield 'The Voice' contestant sings to overcome her brother's death


We've watched Richfield-native Hannah Mrozak shine on "The Voice" this season. But many don't know that behind her strong voice and amazing stage presence is grief she's trying to overcome.  

The 19-year-old has been through a lot, and had to address some of her heartbreak on "The Voice" in front of millions of people around the country. Her hope, is that her story might help others.

"Learn to Let Go" by Kesha was Hannah's final song on "The Voice," and in many ways, it defines what she and her family are trying to do in life.

"The more she talks about it, she relives it in her head," said Melena Mrozak, Hannah's mom. "She's so vulnerable to be on that stage."

"All you can do is do things that you know that your brother would be proud of," Jennifer Hudson told Hannah on Monday's episode of "The Voice." 

"I have a hard part opening up about it," Hannah told her.

Hannah's younger brother, Mason, killed himself in their home almost two years ago. Hannah and her sister, Holly, found him. He was only 15.

"He really pushed me to be a performer," Hannah says. "He was always supportive. We were very close. He was my best friend."

In some ways, "The Voice" provided an unexpected source of healing.

"It gave us something positive to focus on," Melena said. "It's helping a little bit with some of the pain. I think it was good for Hannah to immerse herself in something like that for awhile."

The whole family is making it their mission to raise awareness about suicide and mental health. They're working closely with the local organization "Life of Hope."

"I'm an advocate now," Hannah said. "We've all become very involved. And it's so heartwarming to know that our community here is so supportive and loving."

"People are not as alone as they think they are," she also said. "For some reason, my brother felt that he didn't have anyone to go to. The biggest thing that we can do when it comes to suicide prevention is just communicating and talking about it more. It is so hard to pick up warning signs. Sometimes you can't. We didn't have any idea when it came to my brother. People should know there is always someone to listen, whether they think there is or not."

Though the pain still very real, so is the joy of now living to honor Mason.  

"He's always with me," Hannah said. "I think he's proud of me."

To find out more about Life of Hope, visit the organization's website, or call (262) 429-1556.

Hannah and her family are leading a "Celebrate Life Dinner and Auction" to raise money for the organization on Jan. 5. 

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is (800) 273-8255, which is available 24 hours every day.