
Protesters, supporters send message to Present Trump while in Milwaukee


MILWAUKEE -- As the president makes his way to Mt. Pleasant heightened security still surrounds parts of Milwaukee.

The presidential motorcade left the Pfister just before noon, but sidewalks are still taped off and barriers remain in place.

However, with all the activity surrounding the downtown area, dozens of people were up early trying to send a message to the president. 

Later in the morning, a group of protestors blocked Milwaukee streets -- including an off-ramp to Interstate 794.


“We’re just out her flexing our first amendment rights," Kyle Hagge said.  

“I don’t know if we’re sending a message explicitly to president trump, but I think we’re sending a message to everyone that sees our signs," he continued.

Hagge said his efforts aren’t necessarily backed by a local organization. Instead, he texted a group of his friends and asked them to join him. Benjamin Rangel is one of those friends who answered the call, but Rangel said standing together today isn’t just about resisting the president and his policies. 

“When it comes down to it," Rangel said. 

"You need to show up at the poles you need to show up at the primaries because every opportunity you have to vote is an opportunity to protest in some way," he continued. 

But not everyone is protesting the president —

“We are ecstatic about everything President Trump has done for everyone," Pat Kraft said. 

In fact, as Kraft headed to rub elbows with the commander-in-chief during his fundraiser at the Pfister, she said as a Milwaukeean she’s proud to welcome President Trump into town.