

PolitiFact Wisconsin: Reince Priebus PolitiFact check

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The Wisconsin man picked to be President-elect Donald Trump's White House Chief of Staff is no stranger to political hardball.

PolitiFact Wisconsin looks back at some of the statements made by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and if they passed the Truth-o-Meter.

The RNC Chairman suggested Hillary Clinton took money from Kings even though federal law says candidates for office can not accept money from foreign governments.

In April of 2015 Priebus said: "They can't take money from kings of Saudi Arabia and Morocco and Oman and Yemen, and that's what Hillary Clinton did. And so she's going to have to account for this money."

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Tom Kertscher at PolitiFact Wisconsin says the Clinton Foundation did get millions from Kings but not her campaign.

"It's correct, three out of the four countries, those monarchies did make donations to the Clinton Family Foundation," Kertscher said, "However they did not give money directly to Hillary Clinton in any way or to her presidential campaign."

PolitiFact rated the claim: Half True.

Earlier this year Priebus criticized Clinton for the Iran nuclear deal saying "..Just look at her disastrous Iran nuclear deal, which lined the pockets of the world's number one state sponsor of terrorism with your money, "

PolitiFact Wisconsin says it's true - Iran is considered to be the leader in state-sponsored terrorism. But to say the deal was Clinton's is misleading.

"The Iran nuclear deal was not really Hillary Clinton's deal," Kertscher said. "There had been negotiations beginning a period of years ago but by the time it was put together she had been away from the Secretary of State office for two and half years."

PolitFact says the estimated $150 billion given to Iran was not American money but frozen assets owned and returned to Iran.

This claim was rated: Mostly False.