Green Bay Press-Gazette writer Pete Dougherty is the only Wisconsin writer on the Pro Football Hall of Fame committee, as he backs LeRoy Butler's chances with a 5-minute presentation in a couple of weeks.
Lance Allan: is it an honor to be the Wisconsin guy, to be kind of the lone representative so to speak?
"Oh definitely. And this is important stuff. And you know trust me, everybody in there takes it really seriously. It is a long day. It's a long meeting," Pete Dougherty says.
Lance Allan: do you feel the pressure of being responsible for a guy's chances?
"Oh very much so," Dougherty says. "You know, you gotta make a good argument. And I believe LeRoy's a Hall of Famer and he deserves to be in."
Lance Allan: in your opinion is LeRoy the only all-90's guy to not be in at this point?
"That's a good question," Dougherty says. "I think a lot of it is. LeRoy played for a team that had two guys, Favre and Reggie White, who sucked all the air out of the room. So, you know they were by far the most famous guys on that team," Dougherty says.
Lance Allan: if somebody said to you, 'is LeRoy going to be a Hall of Famer this year?' - what would you say?
"I would say he's got a chance this year," Dougherty says. "Like I said, 2 or 3 spots are givens with Manning and Woodson. And Calvin Johnson is a maybe for a first time Hall of Famer. So that only leaves a couple of spots, and you've got several guys who've been up, been finalists more often than LeRoy, so it's definitely a possibility this year."
Lance Allan: it's such serious business Pete, that you can't even say what day specifically leading up to the Super Bowl you guys are going to me, can you?
"Yeah, we're doing it, because it's always the day before, but because of circumstances that we're all aware of, it's going to be a Zoom meeting. It's later this month. They asked us at least not yet, to share what the date is going to be."