Protesters marched Friday against the National Rifle Association (NRA) Carry Guard Expo at the Wisconsin Center.
The protesters, led by Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort (WAVE) told TODAY'S TMJ4 they disagree with the NRA's views on the Second Amendment, feeling they promote gun violence.
"We're all about saving lives and more guns equals more death," said Anneliesa Dickman, WAVE communication director.
With signs with messages like "NRA profits from murder insurance," and "No KKK, No NRA, No Neo-Nazi USA," the group marched around the Wisconsin Center hoping to spread a message of peace.
"We disagree with the NRA'S vision for America," Dickman said.
But, the NRA had a different definition of their vision than Dickman.
"We want people from all walks of life and all backgrounds to come to this event, this isn't an event just for gun owners, this is an education and training and awareness event for anybody's who has ever considered self-defense," said Jason Brown, an NRA spokesperson.
Dickman doesn't want any pro-gun message shared.
"They're trying to make a profit off of Milwaukee's pain," she said.
Milwaukee police report 64 of 79 homicides so far this year resulted from guns. While the NRA said events like that are often people who illegally have guns, Dickman wants to show a different perspective.
"Let's show the real impact of gun violence," she said.
She and the group have signs with the names of gun violence victims. But, the NRA feels this expo can help people worried about violence in the city.
"To give those folks a sense of confidence and understanding that you have options, that you should not be stripped of the right to defend yourself," Brown said.
NRA members inside the expo tell TODAY'S TMJ4 they knew protests would happen and they respect protesters right to do so. They invited the opposition to visit the expo and learn about their point of view.
The expo runs from August 25-27 at the Wisconsin Center.