

Neighbors meet with Sylville Smith's family in Sherman Park

The media was not allowed inside
Roughly two dozen community members and advocates for the family of Sylville Smith gathered outside the Sherman Park Community Center Thursday night.
They shared the hope of finding common ground inside.
The issue: the makeshift memorial for Smith, near 44th and Auer, where mourners gather each night. Police have made more than arrests there following community complaints.
Smith was shot and killed August 13 by a Milwaukee police officer. His death prompted two days of violence in the Sherman Park neighborhood.
The family as well as the residents said they don't want all that activity on that corner.
"I'm very optimistic," Mayes Bey said. "The family has been trying to reach out to some of the residents to see what they want from them. Some of the residents have reached out to them in response and they've been trying to adhere to what the community wants."
The meeting got underway shortly after 6 p.m., but there were no if's and's or but's about it, TODAY'S TMJ4 cameras were not allowed inside.
"The family and the residents requested that this be a closed meeting because we want to throw out some ideas," Barry Givens said.
No word on whether any resolution was reached behind closed doors. Givens said there will be a larger "open" community meeting soon.