MILWAUKEE – A discolored murky mess of a puddle at Sijan Playfield is the center of conversation for many residents in the Bay View neighborhood.
“It looks toxic, but I haven’t been overly concerned,” Vicky Bond said.
Bond may not be too concerned, but some of her neighbors are. Brian Schweinert snapped a picture of the puddle and posted it to Facebook Thursday. Schweinert questions why the standing water never seems to freeze even in sub-degree weather.
“It looked like something toxic. It was just sitting there in freezing cold, it was zero degrees and it was just festering," he said.
The NOW Milwaukee reached out to MPS, the group responsible for maintenance of Sijan Playfield, for answers. In a statement, MPS confirmed:
"The puddle at Sijan Field is due to a clogged drain filled with twigs, leaves and debris that are causing the water to look brown. This problem first occurred last summer and was addressed at that time. The area has been roped off and the drain will be fixed again in the near future."
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