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Monday is Snowplow Driver Appreciation Day in Wisconsin

and last updated

Monday is Snowplow Driver Appreciation Day, quite appropriate for some parts of Southeast Wisconsin that received up to 10 inches of snow overnight. 

Gov. Scott Walker proclaimed Nov. 26 as Snowplow Driver Appreciation Day for the entire state of Wisconsin. 

“Snowplow drivers provide a critical public service that helps to ensure continued operations for businesses, medical services, schools – and life in general – all winter long, said WisDOT Secretary Dave Ross in a news release. “Throughout winter, every motorist has the opportunity to pay it forward for our hardworking snowplow drivers by driving carefully, giving snowplows room to work and, when possible, avoiding travel during heavy storms.”

The WisDOT urges drivers to buckle up as roads start to turn icy and slick. They say drivers should stay 200 feet behind snowplows and make sure you can see the plow truck’s mirrors.

Pass snowplows with caution, staying mindful of the cloud of snow that can be produced that can minimize visibility.