Milwaukee's Amorphic Beer is giving you multiple opportunities again this year to celebrate the math-y holiday known as 'Pi Day.'
Observed on March 14th each year, Pi Day is an ode to the symbol 'π,' a mathematical expression of "the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle," Scientific American says.
Now that we've defined our terms, let's get to the good stuff. Here's what Amorphic Beer has planned for this year. You can see more details on their Facebook page.
Saturday, March 11
Amorphic will host two all-ages engineering challenges. The free contests will feature the construction of "launching and levitating devices." Prizes will be awarded.
Don Pastor Food Truck will be on-site from 5-9 p.m., and MKE Music Night XLIV will begin in the backroom at 6 p.m.
Finally, Amorphic will feature new beer releases all day on Saturday.
Tuesday, March 14
On Pi Day itself, you can get some free pie from Honey Pie Cafe when you join Amorphic in the taproom for a discussion of "all things nerdy."
"Super nerdy space videos" will be displayed on the brewery's screens until the Bucks game starts.