A female sloth is the newest resident inside the Milwaukee County Zoo's Small Mammal Building.
Nentas is a Hoffmann's two-toed sloth and has been paired to mate with Fezzik, the male sloth at the zoo.
The two's arrangement was made by the Hoffmann's two-toed sloth Species Survival Plan® to keep their population growing.

There was a lot of curiosity when they came face to face for the first time. She does push him away sometimes if he is too forward”, explained Rhonda, small mammals supervisor. “He tried to get in her crate while she was still in there and there is not enough room for both of them.”
Sloths are more active at night so, zookeepers haven't seen much interaction thus far yet.
The zoo does hope the two mate soon Rhoda explained, “They hang out separately most of the time; she loves her crate and he still loves his box. Keeping our fingers crossed for babies!”