MILWAUKEE — A Milwaukee family is shaken up after a gunman opened fire on their home. Now, they say they need the community's help to move to a safer place.
"The peace of mind has been taken from us," said Miguel Rodriguez.
It's a nightmare that Miguel Rodriguez says he will never forget. A quiet early Wednesday turned into chaos as he and his wife and two children awoke to the sound of gunshots riddling their home.
"I didn't know what it could be honestly other than someone banging on the window. It never crossed my mind that our house would be under gunfire," said Rodriguez.

Disturbing security camera footage captured the moment Rodriguez's wife, who was asleep upstairs with their son, woke up to bullets striking the room. She immediately reached for the 5-year-old.
"It's really a shock, I can't even watch it anymore. She kind of has that fight or flight response, where she's yelling out the window because she hears a noise and doesn't yet quite know what it is," said Rodriguez.
Rodriguez says at least 13 shots were fired at his house that's left more than a dozen bullet holes throughout the 2-story home. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

"I'm not sure why they chose our home. We don't really get into anything. I go to work, I come home, spend time with the family," said Rodriguez.
The Milwaukee Police Department is still looking for whoever fired the gun. The family of four had only been living in the home for six months, and now are turning to the community for help to raise the money they need through GoFundMe to move to a better area.
"We put most of our money into getting this home. We are just looking to see if there's anybody who would be willing to help us try and relocate as soon as we can," said Rodriguez.
Rodriguez adds that by moving, he hopes that once again his family will be able to feel safe inside the home they've built together.
You can visit the Rodriguez family's GoFundMe here.