MILWAUKEE — 36% of Wisconsin females will experience domestic violence during their lifetime.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The local resource center Sojourner Family Peace Center reports it has seen a spike in intimate partner crime.
On Monday, Milwaukee police found 40-year-old Kenita Sanders dead after her body was discovered in a garbage can near 22nd and Locust Police suspect her husband and are looking for him.
There is a major effort to stop these fatalities through prevention, education, awareness, and research. That is the goal of theJamie Kimble Foundation, which spearheaded a report released Tuesday.
Jamie Kimble was the only child of Ron and Jan Kimble, she was murdered 10 years ago when her boyfriend shot and killed her before he killed himself. She was 31 years old.
"She was beautiful, kind, compassionate, loving, thoughtful... She was mentally, psychologically, and emotionally abused. She was never physically harmed to our knowledge until he shot her dead," Ron Kimble, Jamie's father, shared.
That is why her father now advocates on behalf of domestic violence research.
Amira escaped that horrible outcome when she overcame domestic violence. She is a survivor. Amira does not want her last name used but she admits she was mentally and physically abused by her former boyfriend. She works hard to raise awareness about agencies like the Family Sojourner Peace Center.
"I think it's important for me as a survivor to do my part. My part is to simply let people know I'm present here for you," she said. "This is a safe space for you."
And every situation is not alike. Patterns of abuse continue in our community. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, about one in three women, as well as one in three men, in Wisconsin will experience intimate partner violence in their lifetime.
"We've seen every major mass shooting in this country tie back to something domestic. We're paying a price, we're losing potential, we're losing life," Carmen Pitre, president and CEO of Sojourner Family Peace Center said. "Our families and our children deserve better."
Hopefully, greater awareness means fewer families living with memories instead of with their loved ones.
"We knew that our daughter's death did not have to be the end of her story, maybe the beginning, and we hope to save as many lives as we can be saved," Ron shared.
Ron and Jan formed the Jamie Kimble Foundation six months after their daughter's death to support research that shows the severity of the problem. Sojourner reports that each year in Milwaukee County alone, there are more than 9,000 intimate partner violence victims. Economic loss related to that is more than $113 million. This includes worker productivity, health care, loss of property, police and court costs, jail costs, programs, shelters, and centers.
If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, please get help. Both Sojourner and the Women's Center are local and staff 24-hour hotlines.
Sojourner: 414-933-2722
Women's Center: 262-542-3828