
Milwaukee e-cigarette ban to take effect

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MILWAUKEE -- At midnight Tuesday, vaping, or smoking electronic cigarettes, is now banned in Milwaukee wherever smoking is banned. 

Mayor Tom Barrett signed the ordinance on June 8, and it took effect 30 days later. 

The e-cigarette ban unanimously passed the Milwaukee's common council.

"They stink," said Stuart Smith of Milwaukee. 

Smith is all for the ban. 

"I don't think it's overboard," he said. "If you go to a restaurant or a tavern, you want to relax, not have someone blow that steam at your face." 

Miles Johnson doesn't see the harm. 

"I feel like they should be considerate of people who do use it," Johnson said.  

Alderman Michael Murphy proposed the change.  

"I think it will improve the overall health in the community," he said.  

Murphy said e-cigs are a health concern, even second-hand. 

"It's just not water vapor, it contains some heavy metals and other contaminants that are carcinogenic including formaldehyde," Murphy said.

"I kind of say hogwash," said Wisco Vapes manager Jody Courchaine. "I don't agree with that," 

Courchaine doesn't believe that's accurate.  

"The vapor production that comes out of these units, the minute you blow it out it already starts dissipating," said Courchaine. 

Aside from bars and restaurants, the new ordinance also includes vape shops. Courchaine believes the measure would hurt his business. 

"Nobody wants to come in here and take a wild guess at a flavor," he said. 

Fines are to start at $100.