As the Sterling Brown investigation continues, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett says he has confidence in Police Chief Alfonso Morales.
Barrett was asked the question today while taking questions about the handling of the release of videos showing the tasing and arrest of Milwaukee Bucks player Sterling Brown.
Mayor Barrett went on to say "I think he's learning, he was a captain before he had this job and that's a big leap to go from captain to police chief. We've offered a lot of support. I think that he wants to do a good job, I think he's genuine in his sincerity that he wants to improve police-community relations."
"What I am trying to do is change the department and build the community’s trust," Morales said earlier Wednesday. He said in his short time the department has seen a lot of high-profile issues.
"I walked into a collaborative reform draft, an ACLU lawsuit, and this incident with Sterling Brown. I promise, I continue to promise, we’re going to be honest about what we do" said Morales.
Morales will be in front of the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission Thursday, where they are expected to take up the Sterling Brown issue. Three officers were disciplined in the wake of the videos being released late last month.