

Gas prices continue to dip


A ten pound turkey will cost you less than ten gallons of gas this Thanksgiving, but not by much.

Gas prices have dropped below $2.00/gallon at many gas stations in the Milwaukee area. A gallon of gas at the Shell Station on Ryan road was $1.89.     

Aaron Barker is getting some help from his grandchildren filling up his tank. They are traveling to Illinois to be with their grandparents for Thank giving.  

“I was shocked to drive down the street and see it was $1.89,” said Barker. “I had to wipe my glasses. I was thinking what’s going on?” 

Others are doing a double take as well. In the last five years, a gallon of gas has cost on average as a high as $3.38 in 2012, to a low of $2.89 a year ago around Thanksgiving. Now it’s about a dollar less per gallon.

“I don’t know what I’m doing with the extra cash,” said Aaron Anderson.  “I don’t really think about it but it doesn’t hurt stopping at the pump anymore.”

Anderson just returned from a deer hunting trip to Door County

“It’s easier to travel when the prices are down that’s for sure.”

A successful trip - he bagged a ten point buck and saved a buck per gallon.

“I’m super proud of this buck,” said Anderson, and a better feeling than saving a buck on gas he said with a laugh.

It’s also good news for the nearly 42 million drivers hitting the road this Thanksgiving; this is the lowest gas prices have been since 2008.