MILWAUKEE -- Violence in the City of Milwaukee prompted several community members to come together and discuss a plan of action Saturday morning at King Solomon's Missionary Baptist Church.
"We want to heal. We want to change the climate of this city," Tynnetta Jackson said.
Jackson is the brains behind the day of dialogue. She's working to change the negative stigma associated with her community through her three-month-old organization, Solomon's Outreach and Urban Learning Sessions (SOULS).
"I've walked the streets," Jackson said. "I've been out up and down Martin Luther King Drive handing out flyers."
According to Jackson, it's the increase of violence among youth in Milwaukee that prompted her to act and establish SOULS.
However, she isn't alone in her effort. Her small team of supporters are also tired of the violence, and they said they also want to be a part of the change.
“There’s a lot of young kids out here that have the potential," Shane Megonigle said. "But they don’t have the means or the know how, and if you keep cutting programs and stuff like that... where are they going to go.”
Jackson agreed, something must be done. That's why she said she's on a mission to involve more churches and community members in her SOULS seeking effort.