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Local soccer star who began with the Milwaukee Kickers goes on to win the Major League Soccer Cup

Vuk Latinovich won the MLS Cup on Dec. 11 and on Dec. 23 he got married.

MILWAUKEE — He won the Major League Soccer (MLS) Cup on Dec. 11 and on Dec. 23 he got married.

It is all part of life for Vuk Latinovich, a local soccer star who began his career with the Milwaukee Kickers.

Latinovich says he hopes to win another title, but boy, the end of 2021 will be hard to top!

"It was pretty big for my development, being at Kickers with Michael King and Coach Pete Knezic," Latinovich said.

Latinovich still hears the word, of Kinger.

"I remember stuff that he told me, even when I was in middle school and beginning of high school when he was still my coach," Latinovich says. "He pushed me to work more and stuff like that, and just to stay driven."

The New York City FC were crowned champions in Portland on Dec. 11.

"All the veteran guys were saying like wow," Latinovich says. "I had to play 10 years to get one trophy. You show up and within a year you win your trophy that I was working for, for ten years. It's not going to be like that all the time. This is going to be like a once in a lifetime experience."

And two weeks later, Latinovich came home to get married.

"She actually plays tennis at Marquette," Latinovich says. "But she came as an exchange student from Serbia. I happened to meet her, but right now she's finishing her masters."

Some day, Latinovich hopes the MLS comes to Milwaukee.

"That would be amazing," Latinovich says. "If there comes a time that Milwaukee has a chance, because I think there's a big soccer community here. We have Milwaukee Wave. We have Torrent. Then in Madison, we have Forward Madison. But having a big or a really big club in Milwaukee. An MLS expansion team for example, I think that would be pretty amazing."

In the meantime, Latinovich hopes for another title in his home state.

"Go Pack Go! I want the Packers to win. They need to win," Latinovich says. "This is the year!"

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