MILWAUKEE, WI - A few local barbers are taking a break from cutting hair to cook a Thanksgiving meal instead. Their goal? To feed 250 people in need.
“Did that person eat today? That’s the kind of thing I worry about when I ride past those type of areas,” Lorenzo Davis said.
Davis owns Zoe's Barber Elite & Beauty Salon on Milwaukee's northwest side. Now, instead of riding past those areas with worry, Davis and some of his closest friends and colleagues walk the streets —handing out a hearty meal to those who might not otherwise eat on Thanksgiving day.
“It just makes me happy that I made somebody’s day. They’re not hungry for the day, they got a meal in their stomach," Davis said.
Some of the food and fixings are donated, but Davis said he and the other barbers pitched in to come up with the rest.
“We got up this morning at three o’clock this morning. Three am. It’s been a hectic morning,” Davis said.
But also a morning well spent as Davis and his crew prepare each plate, pack them up, then head out to patrol the streets feeding as many people as they can.