How are Wisconsin's representatives voting on the Obamacare replacement bill?

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R) is about as firm a "yes" on the AHCA as can be expected. The Janesville rep has led the effort with President Trump and other GOP leaders to attempt to ensure its passage. The bill failing in his chamber would be a blow to his credibility as Speaker.Win McNamee
All of Wisconsin's Democrats are expected to vote "no" on the House version of the AHCA. Rep. Mark Pocan (D) won't be the one to break that trend - the Madison-area legislator has compared the GOP bill to a "Trojan horse to give tax breaks to the wealthiest in this country."Larry French
The trend of Democratic lawmakers voting "no" on Obamacare's replacement continues with Rep. Gwen Moore (D). Milwaukee's congresswoman made it clear on her Twitter account Friday morning that Speaker Ryan could not count on her to help pass the AHCA, saying "Down w/ Trumpcare!"Alex Wong
"I support the American Health Care Act and encourage my colleagues to do the same," a column on Rep. James Sensenbrenner's (R) website reads. Though that statement referred to the first iteration of the bill, Sensenbrenner hasn't gone on record since March as changing his mind on the legislation. The longest-serving member of Wisconsin's delegation has been a reliable Republican vote since 1979, and it doesn't look like health care will be the issue to change that. Win McNamee
Rep. Glenn Grothman (R) may be one of the (relatively) bigger question marks when it comes to Wisconsin's members of the House of Representatives, though it's likely he ends up voting yes. The Sheboygan County representative helped the AHCA get out of comittee, but with the understanding modifications could be made on the House floor. More recently, he said “Who wants to be the butt-head that keeps Obamacare going?”Justin Sullivan
Rep. Sean Duffy (R), who represents the Wausau area, has stopped short of giving a firm "yes" to the AHCA so far. He has, however, gone on record to encourage his GOP colleagues to "sheath their swords" and rally behind the bill. "Let's start to work together to acknowledge that Obamacare is bad for America," he said.Alex Wong