That Golden Girls Show! is a puppet show that parodies iconic "Golden Girls" moments from the popular NBC sitcom, and it is now coming to Wisconsin.
On Saturday, April 9, That Golden Girls Show! will put on two shows at the Schauer Arts Center.
The show will, of course, be set in the sassy Miami house in 1985 with the four favorite girls Dorothy, Rose, Blanche and Sophia.
"Get set for an evening of cheesecake, laughter, jazzercise, shoulder pads, and the elegant art of the quick-witted put-down," the shows description says. "Devoted fans will fondly remember the four girls from Miami, and for the first-timers, this will be a joyful introduction to the brilliance of the series."
There will be two showings, one at 3 p.m. and the second at 7:30 p.m., on the main stage.
Tickets range from $32 to $41. You can purchase tickets here and learn more about the show by clicking here.