WEST ALLIS, Wis. — The first case of monkeypox was identified in a City of West Allis resident on Friday, according to the West Allis Health Department.
Health officials say the individual is currently isolated and has notified close contacts.
This is the 14th confirmed case of monkeypox in a Wisconsin resident, as identified by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), health officials said Friday.
Health officials say the risk to the public remains low at this time. However, individuals should be aware of monkeypox symptoms and should seek medical attention if they experience any. This includes new, unexplained rashes and skin lesions, fever, chills, and swollen lymph nodes.
According to health officials, people become infected with monkeypox by having direct contact with:
- With skin lesions, scabs, or body fluids of an infected person
- Through prolonged face-to-face exposure to respiratory secretions or during intimate physical contact
- Through touching items such as clothing that previously touched the infectious rash.
Health officials also say, "touching objects, fabrics, and surfaces that have been used by someone with monkeypox or close contact with respiratory secretions can transmit the disease. This contact can happen during intimate contact including oral, anal, and vaginal sex or touching the genitals or anus of a person with monkeypox."
Below are recommendations to prevent the spread of monkeypox, according to the Milwaukee Health Department:
- Avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with the monkeypox rash, including refraining from touching the rash or scabs of person with monkeypox and avoiding kissing, hugging, cuddling or having sex with someone with monkeypox.
- If exposed to monkeypox, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible and let them know you have symptoms or have been exposed to monkeypox. Healthcare providers can provide testing and care for people who are diagnosed with monkeypox.
- Monitor for fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes and a new, unexplained rash, and contact a health care provider if any of those occur. If you do not have a healthcare provider, contact your local health department for guidance.
- If sick with monkeypox, isolate at home until rash has fully resolved, the scabs have fallen off, and a fresh layer of intact skin has formed.
For further information, click here.