In the wake of Florida’s gay night club massacre, Milwaukee PrideFest officials have issued a statement assuring visitors that there’s no threat here in Southeast Wisconsin, and that security measures have already been enhanced merely as a precaution.
“While there is no threat to PrideFest Milwaukee, the PrideFest production team responded immediately to the Orlando incident. Since 7:30 a.m., this all-volunteer team has been meeting with local, state and federal agencies to provide the highest level of security possible,” said Michail Takach, communications director with Milwaukee PrideFest.
“We need our guests to feel safe and secure every minute they're with us,” Takach added.
Takach also pointed out that Milwaukee’s venue is more secure to begin with than most public venues.
“We have our own festival park which is more secure than any street festival or city park in the world,” Takach added.
PrideFest is held annually on the Summerfest grounds.
Despite a history of peace at the festival, as a precaution, PrideFest has also implemented full body metal detectors.
“While Summerfest has offered them to us every year, we have not implemented them until this year. We honestly didn't feel the need since all bags are checked at security and all guests are ticketed. It is well worth our peace of mind and the peace of mind of our guests to offer full metal detection this year and going forward,” Takach noted.
Milwaukee Police tell TODAY’S TMJ4 that they added more officers to Sunday’s PrideFest parade and are enhancing security protocols.
“We are cognizant of what’s going on across the country and we’re staying on top of it,” Milwaukee Police officials told TODAY’S TMJ4 during a telephone interview.
“The safety of the public is our top priority,” Milwaukee Police added.