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Family and friends honor father and daughter who died from flu

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A year ago on March 2, a West Bend father and his adult daughter died of complications from the flu.

Their family is still learning how to live without them, and honoring their memory in the process. 

Carine Krull likes to think her dad, Herbert, and sister, Alina, are together, watching over everyone.

 "It's sad to think about how different our lives are now without them," Carine said.

Both Herbert, 79, and Alina, 38, had typical flu symptoms like a cough and fever, that kept getting worse. They went to urgent care, but nothing was working. Within days, Herbert was rushed to the hospital. Alina followed after collapsing at home. Both were having a hard time breathing, as their conditions deteriorated.

"My dad had gotten a flu shot because of his age, but my sister had not gotten one," Carine said. "I wonder every day if a flu shot could have made a difference for her. By the time I got to the hospital, they were both in a coma, and I just remember saying, don't go, I need you."

One year later, during this horrible flu season, Carine's mission is to make sure people take influenza seriously, so no one has to go through the same loss.

"It needs to be something that people pay attention to," Carine said. "Don't just curl up in your bed and think it will take its course."

Alina was a long-time nanny and owner of Hoot House Day Care in West Bend. The children she cared for were her life.

"She was really funny and really kind to us," said Eleanor Lishcka, who went to day care at Hoot House.

"She was just an important figure in our lives," said Emma Tabor. "She taught us how to care, how to love."

As part of their healing, Carine and the kids whose lives Alina touched, are keeping Alina's memory alive with "Owls for Owies." They deliver stuffed-animal owls to children in need at local hospitals.

"It really helps bring her spirit into other people's lives by just bringing one little stuffed animal to them," said Alina's niece, Kimmy Jo Krull.

And they know what Alina would say:

"I'm so proud," said Jacob Lishcka. "Yep, she'd say she was proud of us."

For more information on "Owls for Owies"

Questions can be addressed to or on their website. Also find them on their Facebook pageTwitter, and on Instagram at @owlsforowies.