Hillary Clinton's campaign is opening six offices around the state over the course of the next week.
The opening of an office in Milwaukee, at 2701 N. Martin Luther King Dr., is scheduled for 5 p.m. Tuesday.
"It shows a presence in a neighborhood or in a city, so that generates enthusiasm," said Mordecai Lee, a professor at UW-Milwaukee and former Democratic state lawmaker.
Lee said field offices can be critical in helping to get the Democratic base out to vote. He said Democratic voters generally speaking are younger and have lower incomes than their Republican counterparts. He also said they're less likely to turn out for every election than Republican voters.
"To get those once every four-year type of voters out to the polls requires a lot of work," Lee said.
Gillian Drummond, a spokesperson for Clinton's Wisconsin campaign, said they have staff across the state working with local democrats.
"Hillary Clinton is committed to running hard in Wisconsin to ensure that she wins in November and more Democrats are elected who will help her build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top," she said.
Lee said GOP voters tend to be older, college educated and have higher incomes. So he said they're less likely to be swayed to go to the polls because of the presence of field offices.
"They have a propensity to vote," Lee said of Republicans.
The Trump campaign currently maintains two offices in Wisconsin, according to his website.
Lee said he expects Republicans to focus on door knocking and other organizing efforts as the election nears.
In a new NBC News/SurveyMoney weekly election tracking poll, Clinton leads Trump by three points nationally -- 47 percent to 44 percent. That's within the poll's margin of error.
The numbers come after the FBI Director recommended no criminal charges against Clinton or any of her staffers for the maintenance of a personal email server while she served as U.S. Secretary of State.
"Hillary Clinton cannot be trusted with the White House," said Wisconsin GOP spokesperson Pat Garrett in a statement. "By the FBI's own admission: she lied to the American People, as well as endangered our national security."
Lee said national polling isn't very indicative of which candidate will prevail in November. Because he said the election will be won by whoever wins more swing states -- like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia or Wisconsin.
"There are going to be some states that are always going to vote Republican and some states that are always going to vote Democratic," Lee said. "So when you put them all together in a national poll, what you're missing is where the movement is and where the dynamics are."
Lee said paying attention to which states candidates visit, where they open offices, and where they spend money on commercials is a good indicator of which states are up for grabs as the election nears.