

Bavarian Bierhaus adds 800-pound stein


A newly installed eight foot tall beer stein is going to be the beacon for the Bavarian Bierhaus in Glendale.

“We went as big as we possibly could without breaking any codes,” said Laura Krauser who works in marketing for the Bavarian Beirhaus.

And although the oversized stein is a first for the Bavarian Bierhaus, it's not a first for the Milwaukee area. Bernie the Brewer used to take slide down into a giant stein at County Stadium.

It's not surprising the businesses in the area are capitalizing on our rich German roots.

According to Visit Milwaukee, in 2015, the food and beverage industry in Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington, and Waukesha counties brought in over one billion dollars.

“We wanted something where people could see us from the freeway and identify where we are and we thought it would be a cool idea to create a landmark for Glendale and Milwaukee,” Krauser said.