You may notice your favorite baby products are getting a high-end makeover. More store shelves are starting to see organic skin care for babies and small children. It tends to be more expensive.
Sheila Keaton is a mom of two. Her toddler has sensitive skin and getting the right products are critical to making sure her daughter isn’t irritable and itchy.
“Sometimes we'll just use a washcloth with water on it and it works just as well as a lot of other things,” said Keaton.
Now, parents are finding skin care goods for their little ones, that claim to be better than that simple water in your home.
Those premium baby products, like rose geranium cleansing water or apple blossom face cream, are products are boosting in sales.
Mom Jenney Lilley is stocking up.
“They are more expensive. I feel like you get what you pay for. I think its quality over quantity,” said Lilley.
But are these products better quality?
Pediatric Dermatologist, Dr. Jamie Weisman doesn’t seem to think so.
For the most part what you're paying for is the advertising, the brand name and the packaging,” said Weisman.
“It doesn’t surprise me at all,” said Keaton.
Keaton will stick to the products she knows work well.
“You just want your kids to be happy,” said Keaton.
Weisman says when shopping for your children, simpler is always best.
Stay away from salicylic acid. Also, be aware that even natural fragrances can cause an allergic reaction.
As always, check with your doctor before switching baby products.