

Busy roads, skies amid travel warning

Congestion is expected at the nations airports, train stations and beyond as families head out for the Thanksgiving holiday.
And this year they're also being met with extra security.
"We just want to make sure everything is on time and safe and so no hassle," said traveler Lena Goloborodko.
Those flying out of Mitchell International ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday came expecting crowds and extra security. The world travel alert has them concerned.
"This is the first time I'm flying alone," said Sarah Smith. "I'm a little bit nervous about [the travel alert], but I think everything is secure and I think America is doing a great job of making sure everyone is safe during the holidays."
The state department issued the alert earlier this week because current information suggests that militants with ISIS and Al-Qaida plan to carry out attacks. That means more security at airports here in Wisconsin and across the country. 
"Life has to go on," said traveler Maggie Hucko. "We're ready to go enjoy some time in California."
At the Intermodal Station downtown, signs are posted warning bus and train passengers of heightened security measures.
Amtrak plans to use all of it's Midwestern passenger trains to help accommodate the influx for the holiday.
"That's what the holidays are about, being with your family," said traveler Priscynthia Stewart. "We don't get to see our family very much so whatever chance we do get to see each other it's always a blessing.
Wisconsin roads will also be extra busy Thanksgiving week.
AAA predicts this will be the *busiest* thanksgiving holiday in eight years.