NewsKenosha County


Chrystul Kizer pleads guilty to second degree reckless homicide as part of plea agreement

Chrystul Kizer enters guilty plea as part of plea agreement
Posted at 11:40 AM, May 09, 2024
and last updated 2024-05-09 17:20:02-04

Chrystul Kizer entered a guilty plea to the charge of second-degree reckless homicide as part of a plea agreement.

Chrystul Kizer sits back in her chair during a morning plea agreement hearing.
Chrystul Kizer sits back in her chair during a morning plea agreement hearing.

Chrystul Kizer, 23, was a teenager at the time she was charged and accused of shooting 34-year-old Randall Volar of Kenosha twice in the head, setting his house on fire, and fleeing in his vehicle.

That was in 2018. Kizer claims Volar sexually assaulted her and other teenage girls.

Chrystul Kizer enters the courtroom.
Chrystul Kizer enters the courtroom.

Kizer was brought back into custody following a warrant for her arrest on separate charges from a Milwaukee domestic incident. U.S. Marshals authorities arrested her after she went on the run in February in Louisiana.

Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley’s request to combine both cases was denied on Tuesday. Circuit Court Judge David Wilk agreed to increase Kizer’s bond to $750,000.

A judge enters the courtroom for a hearing with Chrystul Kizer.
A judge enters the courtroom for a hearing with Chrystul Kizer.

A jury trial was originally scheduled for June 10. The defense had requested an adjournment to allow more time for an expert witness to testify.

“I guess on some level I’m happy, but you know what I want to have happen is for people who are related to Mr. Volar and the people who care about Chrystul Kizer to all get closure at this point," Graveley said. “You never know what a jury will do, right? These are a set of facts that a jury has never seen before. It’s a first time in terms of this law and wrestling with this law in terms of a jury.”

Kizer is scheduled for sentencing on August 19th.

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