25 reasons we love Wisconsin

The Green and Gold. Being a Packers fan is not a choice, it's a way of life. We thank God for Aaron Rodgers every night and stand outside in the snow at Lambeau, on the verge of frostbite, just to show support to our favorite team. Oh, and the Bears suck.Tom Pennington
The seasons. We're exposed to all of mother nature's moods in Wisconsin, some ruder than others. Our summers are hot, falls are crisp, winters are white (and tend to overstay their welcome) and springs are soggy but clean. Also, don't be alarmed in the spring of all of the people wearing shorts and flip-flops. Fifty degrees is warm for us after months of below-freezing temperatures.Matt Cardy
Accents. Ope, what's that, a bag? Or should I say, BEY-G? Wisconsinites are easily identified by their nasal-y midwestern accents, don'tcha know.Oleg Rodionov
The Brewers. Whether they're there for the game or the tailgate, Wisconsin fans love spending summer days at Miller Park cheering on the Racing Sausages and celebrating home runs with mascot Bernie Brewer.Dilip Vishwanat
The Dells. It's the Disney Land of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Dells is packed full of indoor and outdoor activities for people of all ages including water parks, zip lines and games inside the Wizard Quest attraction. And of course, the famous Duck boat tours are a common stop for families visiting the Dells. If you haven't done it you've probably never been to the Dells.
Wildlife. Every season is hunting season in Wisconsin, and even if you're not a hunter you're bound to see a deer or turkey wandering about. Mark Duffy
Diversity. Each Wisconsin town identifies with at least one culture, and some places identify with many. Stoughton, Wis. is classically known as a Norwegian town. The high school even has a group called the "Norwegian Dancers," that was established over 60 years ago, and travels to Norway every few years. Milwaukee, on the other hand, represents many different cultures through yearly celebrations. Some examples are the Indian Summer Winter Pow Wow, Polish Fest, India Fest and Serbian Days. These are just a few of the different cultures Wisconsin represents.Micha Klootwijk
The Badgers. FIRST AND TEN, WISCONSIN. Wearing overalls has never felt better, and not only because these ones are red-and-white striped, but also because you destroyed a couple Solo cups at the tailgate before the game. Badger games are a highly popular fall event for college students and parents alike. Stay for the whole game or leave after "Jump Around" at the end of the third quarter. Christian Petersen
Up Nort'. Pack the fishing poles and bug spray, because we're going up nort'. As vague as it may sound, every Wisconsin resident will know exactly where you're going when you say you're going "up north." A cabin in the middle of the woods, probably by a lake, you know, where you had your first beer.Monkey Business Images