
Forced To Strip: Men Apologize After Viral Video

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(WAVY/NBC News) Two men are apologizing after forcing another man to strip to his underwear outside of a Newport News, Virginia convenience store during frigid weather.

The pair streamed the encounter in a Facebook Live video.

The temperature was 18 degrees at the time.

Hampton residents Charles McKoy and Heath Williams saying they're taking full responsibility.

"It was very childish and like I said, I'm sorry and I'm willing to do what it takes to make up for it," McKoy says.

"I truly apologize and I'm sincere about this from the bottom of my heart," Williams adds.

Williams says they recorded the video while they were drunk after leaving a club. He says they got the idea for the prank from YouTube, but when they sobered up, they realized how wrong they were.

"Hopefully I get to see him personally and he can see the remorse, personally, from me himself," Mckoy says.

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