NewsAmerica Votes 2025


Wisconsin Elections Commission confirms Wisconsin's 72 counties reported 100% of unofficial results

WEC says local election officials are ready to begin the next step in the process of verifying the vote totals.
wisconsin election

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) confirmed Tuesday that Wisconsin's 72 counties have reported 100% of the unofficial results following Tuesday's general election.

WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe said, “We have confirmed that all unofficial results have been reported by Wisconsin counties, which means local election officials are ready to begin the next step in the process of verifying the vote totals.”

WEC says it is normal for election results to change slightly as officials conduct the canvasses and complete the certification process. WEC does not centrally compile unofficial results, but unofficial results are available on county websites. You can find a list of county election sites on WEC's website. WEC said they plan to produce an unofficial turnout estimate in the upcoming days.

“While the unofficial election results are complete, the process of triple-checking the vote totals has just begun,” Wolfe said. “The results won’t be official until each county has completed their canvass and the WEC chairperson has certified the results. For state and federal contests, nothing is final until then.”

A canvass is to ensure every voted ballot is accounted for and that each valid vote is included in the official results. Under Wisconsin law, each County Board of Canvassers is required to convene for the canvass of the general election no later than 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 15, according to WEC.

Counties must deliver their statement of county canvas for the general election for state and federal offices to the WEC by Tuesday, Nov. 22. WEC chairperson Don Millis must certify the state and federal results by Dec. 1.

It is possible for recounts to occur. WEC says a trailing candidate can only request a recount after the county canvasses are completed. For more information on recounts, visit WEC's website.

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