
Beware of 'say yes' phone scams

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Here is a heads up about an old “say yes” phone scam that is once again making the rounds.

If you get a call from someone who wants you to answer a question with a “yes”, think twice before you respond. It could be part of a dangerous scam.

Here is how it works:

You receive a call from someone who wants you to say “yes” by asking questions like, “is this___?” Or, “can you hear me?”. If you respond with a “yes”, the scammer creates a recorded voiceprint of the response and then uses this recording to pose as you for carrying out their schemes.

They have been known to use the recording to hack into accounts, as well as inserting it into their own recordings to prove that you said yes to purchasing a product or service.

If you get a call from someone asking for a “yes” response, answer the question with another question or statement, such as “Who is calling?” or, “I can hear you”. If you are told to push a button to respond or to stop future calls, watch out. This could also lead to a scam.

If you fear that you may have answered with a yes, it does not necessarily mean that you will be hacked or scammed. But, pay attention to old charges on phone bills, credit card and bank statements, and dispute these immediately.

For more information or to report a scam, contact consumer resources such as the Federal Trade Commission, Better Business Bureau or our Call 4 Action office.

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